Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Lunch time! Caprese salad

When I saw all that yummy basil last night, all I could think about was caprese salad.  It is one of my favorite things to order in a restaurant, but I have never made it at home.  So I bought a hunk of mozzarella, and had a super yummy lunch today!  If you haven't had a caprese salad before, it's pretty simple: thick slices of fresh tomato topped with a thick slice of fresh mozzarella, with basil leaves (whole or chopped) on top, then drizzled with extra virgin olive oil (you need to pay for the good stuff), and a few drops of balsamic vinegar if you're into that.  The balsamic is not traditional for a caprese but I love the taste of it so any excuse to add it to something works for me.  Here's what it looked like:

The basil was sooo good so I added a bunch.  I also had some leftover potatoes and feta au gratin :-)  It tasted just as good leftover!

Something I forgot to mention yesterday - my veggie bag included a "recipe of the week" for basil, garlic & honey vinaigrette dressing.  I might try it tomorrow.  Basil can go bad pretty quickly so I need to use it up soon.  These veggies all last for different lengths of time so it's important to look that up.  They also require different storage techniques so I look that up too.  Some things should go in the fridge but some should not.  I don't know what I would do without Google!  Also, the Desert Roots Farm website (oddly enough - has lots of recipes and tips about their veggies, and I'm sure other CSAs do that as well.

No dinner tonight, it's happy hour night, but I'm still trying to decide what to make tomorrow!

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