Ok, I have never blogged before, so cut me a little slack if I'm not doing it "right"!
Next week I am going to begin receiving baskets of vegetables from the Desert Roots Farms CSA - community supported agriculture - program. A CSA program is a great way to get lots of yummy food from local farms. It means you can support local agriculture, support the environment, and help yourself to eat healthy!
I have been interested in participating in a CSA program for awhile now, but was intimidated by the amount and types of vegetables I'd be receiving. After seeing what my boyfriend got through his CSA program, and seeing what types of meals he made out of it, I decided to go for it. I know some other people who are as intimidated as I was, so I decided to start this blog to discuss what kinds of foods I get each week and what I make with them. Note that I am NOT much of a cook, and tend to do things the simple (and lazy) way, but I want to learn how to cook better and therefore EAT better. Because if there's one thing I love to do, it's EAT!
Stay tuned for my next post when I pick up my first basket of goodies next Tuesday 9/28. Until then, happy eating!!
I can't wait for your first recipes! I need something low-fat, low-sodium, low-calorie, and low carb.