If you aren't sure how to use up all the greens in your CSA bag, just throw them all together in a skillet! Last night Nate & I combined some of our leftover greens and veggies into a big saute, and it was really tasty.
We started with a combination of butter and oil, then added these veggies and sauteed for 10 minutes or so: minced garlic, shallots, anaheim chile, green onion, beets, carrot, and radish. Then we added these greens on top and put the lid on for 5-10 minutes: kale, beet greens, arugula, purslane, mustard greens, and mixed braising greens. Purslane is an interesting green which is considered a weed much of the time, but is actually a quite tasty succulent green! I've also read that it contains some great nutrients. Who knew a weed could be so good!
After the greens were nice and wilted, we stirred everything together and added some seasonings: paprika, celery seed, dried basil, ginger and black pepper. This all cooked together for a few more minutes, then we served it with a splash of lemon juice to enhance the flavors.
There were so many flavors in this dish! If we had more carrots and radishes it would be even more colorful, and could make a very pretty side dish to serve to guests. The moral is: don't think too hard about what to put together, just look in your fridge!
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