Monday, January 17, 2011

Winter season, weeks 1 and 2 veggies

It sure is hard to get back into the swing of things after the holidays!  The winter CSA season started 2 weeks ago, and I have been using all of the veggies, but have not been photographing the dishes.  I did take pictures of the veggies, so I'll post below what I got.  Also, this season Nate & I are sharing a full CSA share, so you'll notice that the quantity of veggies has increased.  More yumminess!!

Week 1:
We got: a huge head of lettuce, a bag of spinach, several oranges, 2 daikon radishes, some turnips, some dill, broccoli raab, and kale.  Broccoli raab was new to me - it is related to broccoli but is quite different.  It is very leafy and has small florets like broccoli, but they are in very small bunches throughout the leaves.  They do not form heads like normal broccoli.  It tasted somewhat different too.

Week 2:

We got: another huge head of lettuce, plus a smaller head of red lettuce, more spinach, collard greens, easter egg radishes, 2 grapefruit, broccoli, baby bok choi, cilantro, and 3 large turnips.  So much food!  

With all this lettuce and spinach we have been eating lots of salads and omelets.  The greens like spinach, kale and collards, go really well in a big omelet, and it makes a great dinner, not just breakfast.  We used the larger bok choi in a stir fry.  With the rest we have done roasted, sauteed, and grilled veggies as side dishes.  Tonight we are going to use some of the greens (collard probably, maybe some kale) in a tomato pasta sauce.  And I want to try making turnip fries.  I will work on taking pictures and posting some dishes this week!

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